The Kitchen @
It’s me, it’s me, it’sme it’sme it’s ME! Hi Everybody! Hi to all the average-dicked mean white boys who like to send me hate mail…hi to all the teeny-dicked white bois who send me fan mail, and a BIG hello to all the wives out there with average to small dicked hubbies (and boyfriends) who send me all the support e-mails! I hear ya, girlfriend! 🙂 Hey, does everyone remember that silly shower scene? The one I had my panties all bunched up over? Well, this is the boy who fucked me in the shower! his name is Jason. I think I’m going to marry him. Not only does he have a double-digit ding-dong, he’s smart! WOW! Boy does he give me a mighty fine fuck session today. I loved every second! You can always tell I like it when my eyes roll into the back of my head…that’s the secret guys. Make her eyes roll, and you got it! ; – ) XOXOXOXoxoxoxox Spring