Dr. Spring – Sex Therapist

Filed under: Free Spring Thomas Movies,Free Spring Thomas Pics — esieker @ 7:00 am

It’s time for everyones favorite sex therapist, Dr. Spring Thomas. Couples from all around the world seek the expert advice of Dr. Spring in order to cure their stagnate love life. Dr. Spring is able to cure them with her revolutionary, patented technique — black dick therapy. And today on Free Spring Thomas all you lucky fans get an inside look at this new, experimental treatment developed by the one and only queen of black dicks, Spring Thomas!

The Black Dick treatment procedure is actually quite controversial. However, it is one of the most effective treatments available for married couples who have lost their spark. Spring tests her theory on a married couple with excellent results.

Dr. Spring begins the process by slowly undressing the wife. The wife is a little unsure about it at first but she trusts Dr. Spring’s expert advice. Once Spring and the wife have both undressed and been properly “stimulated” then it’s time for Spring to introduce the secret weapon. And this married couple is more than a little surprised when they see what Spring has in store for them. They heard this treatment was revolutionary and a little…different. But they never imagined this!

Dr. Thomas teaches this married couple how they to  rekindle their flame. And Dr. Thomas prescribes the best medicine of all: a huge black dick! The little wifey turns into a black cock slut pretty fast after listening to Spring’s expert advice.

Wifey’s little white boy husband learns his role during the treatment as well. Which is of course to sit there and watch as his wife get’s handled by 10 inches of throbbing black cock. But the husband has a surprise in store for Spring at the end of this video and she is none to pleased about it. Check it out!

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