Another Silly Cuckold @ SpringThomas.com
Hi boys and girls and bois! You know what time it is, cause you know where you’re at: SpringWorld! And you know *why* you know you’re in my world? Cause we have another whiteboy today! His name is Cuckboi, and like all silly cuckbois, he’s packing a big old 4 inch log. Wow! Can you imagine all the pleasure he gives his girl with all that meat? Hee hee. I’m so mean. I’m sorry. Really, I am. But you know you love it! Max fucks me today in front of cuckboi, and Max is like 12 or 13, and trust me, it fills me to the brim! You know what that silly negro did to me this week? Well, when he pulled out to make a mess all over me, well, there wasn’t much of a mess…cause you know why. He blew in me! UGH! Now what am I gonna do…but figure out a name for my baby and let my silly cuckboi please himself as a reward for a job well earned. Congrats cuckboi! You came more than Max did…um, that is, the second time Max came! XOXO – Spring

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