Spring Thomas, the interracial teen superstar. You all know her. You all want her and since you are here, why not check her out. I am giving you a great little taste of Spring Thomas. This is her and Jack Napier having a good ol’time. By that I mean some hardcore interracial fucking. Before I give up all the goods, let’s start it out nice and slow, just to get you worked up.
Jack Napier. Your average black porn stud. Except one thing. He has a little bit of an education. He can actually keep a conversation and make some sense too. Ask him about art, the middle east, who is favorite porn star is and he will answer with complete sentectes. It’s a rare thing in this business. Oh yeah, he has a monster cock, which is not becoming normal in porn.

So Spring Thomas hooks up with Jack for a fuck fest. Starting out where all good women should, with a nice healthy BJ. Jack’s dick is so big, that he gags Spring with it. She only gets about 5″ down too. There is a good handul of cock still waiting to go down her throat, but she has a hard time taking it. Once his cock is nice and wet, the blowjob turns into a little something for both of them.
On to the couch. The love nest for these two. Except these 2 are not making love. They are fucking. HARD! Jack Has Spring Thomas in doggy position and is just pounding her harder than a set of 12″ woofers in your car. Spring loves it too. Even though she is in a little pain from the size of the cock, she takes it like the trooper she is. After almost losing his nut prematurally, Jack tells Spring to stop for a minute and gets her in position to ride his dick.
This has to be Spring’s favorite position. She gets all wet. To the point where her pussy is making more noise than her screams are. This goes on for a little while. All the time, Jack is building up a massive load for Spring to take. Where would you guess he is going to unload this massive goo pile? The normal answer is her face. But this is Spring Thomas we are talking about here. So it has to be off the hook. So Jack leaves his 10″ in her pussy while he unloads a huge gloop of man glue. That’s right, a cream pie. Just look at the last clip to see what is still dripping out of her pussy as the scene is ending. Piles and piles of black seed.
Now, I must tell you guys, I am a member of this site. I get emailed a lot of questions asking me what it is like on the inside of the site. Well let me tell you this. There are over 125 scenes in Spring Thomas’ website. They most all have 15 video clips, 200+ hirez pics and tons of vid caps as well. Every week there is an update. They stay true to what the tour says regarding that. If you have any interest. Just give this site a try. As one normal guy to another. The 30$ you spend is chump change compared to the enjoyment you will get out of Spring’s website. Fuck it, skip the gym membership this month, and just beat off 3 times a day to Spring. It’s about the same amount of exercise.